- Dumped layer of Roman occupation debris. It's unclear whether this relates to 'domestic' presence or cremation pyres. Hopefully the samples will tell us. However it's fairly clear that this material wasn't burnt on the ground in situ: none of the underlying contexts show signs of having been scorched. If it is 'domestic' does it relate to funerary feasts or post-funerary commerative meals or might it perhaps be related to the activity of the quarry works? Perhaps the pottery dates might be of use in suggesting an answer.
- Ashley Pooley
- 1-8-2008
- Dump of charcoal rich occupation debris under (1389)
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Soft/friable
- mid to dark brownish grey
- silty sand (40:60)
- very frequent charcoal flecks and fragments, moderate oyster shell, moderate very rounded to sub angular flint pebbles (up to .1m) occasional mussel shell, occasional Fe, occasional CBM and pot, occasional bone and glass
- 6.2 EW 3.8 NS, Up to .3m thick -shot in with TS.
- Partially truncated by wall (1410) to West, and wholly by (1410) to East. Extends beyond LOE and truncated by piling trench to N
Issued to
Ashley PooleyIssued on
1-8-2008 -
Compiled by
- Ashley Pooley
Compiled on
1-8-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse