- fill of pit. Fill becomes more orangey towards edge, cut into natural gravels. this pit cuts pits (1527) and (1528). the southern edge very diffuse.
- Ruth Rolfe
- 6-8-2008
- Fill of pit 550/85
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- loose
- very dark brown (almost black)
- Silty clay and redeposited brickearth 2% subrounded and subangular moderately sorted stones
- Occa whole oyster shell, freq. charcoal flecks, freq med pot, Fe, glass, CBM, animal bone
- Unknown
- Edges diffuse. pit not bottomed or fully excavated
- Mattock, shovel, trowel/Occa. rain
Issued to
Ruth RolfeIssued on
6-8-2008 -
Compiled by
- Ruth Rolfe
Compiled on
6-8-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse