- (916) is the residue fill from the use of the soak away 912. It is not a back fill but it is contemporary with the use of 912. (916) did not contain a lot of finds but those that there were were post-medieval in date.
- Sara Clancy
- 21-5-2008
- Residual fill of 912
Basic Interp.
- Very soft
- Grey with lenses of yellow
- Silty clay with lens of sand
- Occasional pot, occasional bone, occasional CBM, occasional clay pipe
- Diameter: top of fill 80-90cm bottom of fill: 44-50cm
- find: clay pipe
- Spaded - dry
Issued to
Sara ClancyIssued on
20-5-2008 -
Compiled by
- Sara Clancy
Compiled on
21-5-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse