- A softer, darker fill underlying the more compact and orangey fill (958)/1161]. It is not in an observable cut. Possibly related to (856)-Phase 1. Its western limit is unclear-it probably matches up with (856), observed in phase 1 in what seemed to be the western side of a large quarry pit. Otherwise it can be said tht it roughly underlain (958) but extended northwards of (958) by about 0.75m. [1161] containing (948) cut in (959). It is unclear whether (959) can be directly related to a specific cut-it seems likely it forms the fill of part of a larger cut
- Greg Crees
- 29-5-2008
- Same as 958 - see this context for plan
- Chaz Morse
- 2-6-2008
- Dark orange layer
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Firm
- Dark brownish-black
- Sandy-clay
- Some stone includsions larger stones ca. 100mm but not much. Most inclusions are CBM, pot sherd and occasional badly preserved bone fragments, occasional iron object (nai and slag)
- E-W: 3.00m, N-S: 3.50m, thicker at its northern edge, sloping south to thinner edge. Shot in with TS.
- Extent roughly underlies (958). It has been cut into by many other surrounding pits. The lowest point/base level of (959) was not observed due to the confusion of many underlying pits/features but it seems to overlie most of them, for example [1265]-so the top levels for [1265] should provide a rough guide to te base level of (950)-so probably no lower than 927; Drawing No. 958/[1161]
- Excavated with Maddock, shovel and trowel, weather changeable
Issued to
Greg CreesIssued on
28-5-2008 -
Compiled by
- Greg Crees
Compiled on
29-5-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse