Website Technical Credits
This website has been developed by L – P : Archaeology. The overall concept for the digital project and direction is by Guy Hunt. The site is mostly built using the Textpattern content management system which was set up and designed by Andrew Dufton with some Textpattern coding and CSS by Guy. The content is managed by Lorna Richardson who is responsible for the overall shape of the content and trying to get as many different contributors as possible; she has also written the entire learning, site and glossary section and most of the archaeological and historical background of the site. The authors of individual articles should be credited on the article itself.
We have attempted to make a standards compliant site, if you find anything that needs a little more work, please get in touch.
On a more technical note, the web site is built using Textpattern 4.0.6 making use of various plugins, not least vdh_flickr and ‘lightbox’ for the wonderful galleries (hacking by Guy and Andy). The data hosting is powered by L – P : Archaeology’s ARK Archaeological Recording Kit with plugins developed for Textpattern setup by Andrew Dufton. This whole system relies on the solid foundations of Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP: with additional help from UMN Mapserver and OpenLayers.