- Bottom layer in pit [1213]. (1254) contained the remains of a human skull, some other bones and one animal bone (cow?). The bones seemed to be unarticulated within the fill. However, the poss. votive deposit of pottery vessels (1222) could have had a relation to these bones. THe skull and bones were located to the W in the pit, the pots to the E
- Elisabet Schager
- 30-6-2008
- Black/dark lower fill containing bone in pit [1213]
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Moderately soft
- Black and dark grey
- Silt
- Occasional pebbles, occasional/moderate charcoal
- thickness: 5cm
- (1254) was quite moist; Sample No. 91, c. 5L
- Trowel in dry conditions
Issued to
Elisabet SchagerIssued on
27-6-2008 -
Compiled by
- Elisabet Schager
Compiled on
30-6-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse