- Large gravel layer (redeposited)= 85%, and cultural material including disturbed burials and fill- spread throughout 100N x 540E, Episode of Roman quarrying post-dating inhumation and cremations in this area
- William Clark
- 10-7-2008
- Same as 1371, see this context for plan. Plan issue here where the linked plan looks odd - CM to deal with.
- Chaz Morse
- 12-3-2009
- Gravel spread
Basic Interp.
- Firm
- Yellowish and grey/brown
- Redeposited natural sands
- Gravel (85%), silt (brown-15%)
- Flint clasts up to 12cm in length, cremationa and inhumation debitage and pot, cbm and Fe nails
- Patches preserved throughout 100/540 grid square; layer formed by digging quarry pits and disturbing burials
- Mattock and trowel
Issued to
William ClarkIssued on
4-7-2008 -
Compiled by
- William Clark
Compiled on
10-7-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse