- Tipped deposit into pit [1353]. It seems to be very similar to upper fill (1351) and this could also be a domestic rubbish/waste fill considering the pieces of pottery and the amount of oyster shells and some animal bone
- Elisabet Schager
- 14-7-2008
- Dumped deposit into [1353]
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Quite soft
- Dark greyish brown
- Silt
- Small pebbles and sub-angular stones, occasional oyster shells, occasional pot, occasional CBM, very occasional metal objects-possibly nail, very occasionally bone
- Thickness: 0.32m
- Find: oyster shell, Sample No. 109 (40L)
- Mattock/dry
Issued to
Elisabet SchagerIssued on
11-7-2008 -
Compiled by
- Elisabet Schager
Compiled on
14-7-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse