- Brickearth, some parts sandy. Dumped deposit of Roman brickearth, perhaps spoil from gravel extraction laid down to level ground subsided due to settling and decomposition of fills within quarry pits. Very disturbed cremation (1535) lay within deposit.
- Ashley Pooley
- 4-8-2008
- Sandy-mix
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Soft
- Light greyish yellowish brown with light reddish brown and light brownish yellow patches.
- Sandy silt (30:70)
- Occa. pot, occa rounded to sub-angular flint pebbles (up to 75mm), occa. pot, occa. shell, occa. charcoal flecks, occa. ragstone angular clippings (up to 50mm).
- 4.65m EW, 4.3m NS, up to 0.15m thick
- Truncated by Roman gully [1373] through centre of context piling truncation and wall (1410) to SW, S and E. Has diffuse boundary with contexts below which suggest it has been weathered somewhat. Surface of context slopes down from E to W. Underneath dumped deposits 1475, 1507, and 1477.
Issued to
Gary WebsterIssued on
15-7-2008 -
Compiled by
- Ashley Pooley
Compiled on
4-8-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse