- Fill of grave cut [1402]. The fill was quite difficult to distinguish from the fill of a poss. pit which the grave appears to have been dug into. (1400) preserved the bones (1401) very well so even the left and right patella were still present. However, only the leg bones remained due to heavy truncation by modern piling and wall activity.
- Elisabet Schager
- 18-7-2008
- Fill of burial [1402]
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Moderately compact
- Dark brown/greyish
- Silt
- Occa. small stones, occa. pieces of pottery, very occa. flecks of charcoal
- Modern truncations at E and W sides
- Trowel/ Dry
Issued to
Elisabet SchagerIssued on
16-7-2008 -
Compiled by
- Elisabet Schager
Compiled on
18-7-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse