- A layer of mixed up soil laid down over the gravelly metalled surface - it is unclear if it was put there intentionally or if it represents a dump of debris - material which itself could have been much thicker, being truncated by (1188) which covers a v. large part of the site in this area.
- Greg Crees
- 24-7-2008
- Layer, dark deposit 550/90 555/90
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Soft
- Mid brownish brown
- sandy silty clay
- low occurance of stones, mostly subrounded and soubangular ca. 10-150mm. Moderate occurance of crumbled sandy mortar crumbled white mortar, low ocurance of oyster shell, moderate occurance of pot sherd, CBM occasional nail, occa small ragstone (c. 80mm), occa bone, v. occa glass)
- ca. 6.10m (E-W) x 7m (N-S). About 0.25 max depth
- Diffuse edge at its southern extent
Issued to
Ruth RolfeIssued on
23-7-2008 -
Compiled by
- Greg Crees
Compiled on
24-7-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse