- Upper fill of pit
- Greg Crees
- 31-7-2008
- Fill of [1469]
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Soft
- Light orangey brown
- Silty sandy clay. Low occurance of mostly sub-rounded and sub-angular medium coarse flint pebbles
- Reasonable amount of pot sherd, CBM and occa. animal bone, oyster shell and small -sized lumps of sandy creamy coloured mortar.
- Upper fill of pit c. 50 cm max thick (slightly thinner near edges).
- Homogenous fill. Contained cremation urn (1474) with coin 144
- Mattock and trowel/Cloudy, humid, dry, sunny
Issued to
Anies HassanIssued on
25-7-2008 -
Compiled by
- Greg Crees
Compiled on
31-7-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse