- Upper fill of N-S linear [1478]. Fill contains large amounts of demolition material including tesserae, tegula, imbrex and small find - worked stone 156
- William Clark
- 1-8-2008
- Fill of Robber trench/ ditch
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Firm
- Mid-brown
- Sandy silt
- Flint clasts - angular up to 20cm in length, chalk fragments, Roman CBM, imbrex, tegula, tesserae, Fe nails, animal bone, oyster shell
- D: 0.26m, L: 2.5m, W:1.2m
- Demolition material
- Mattock, trowel/Dry
Issued to
William ClarkIssued on
29-7-2008 -
Compiled by
- William Clark
Compiled on
1-8-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse