- Fill of pit. Re-deposited brickearth and silty clay. Pit partially cut into natural ( on W edge and partly into brick-earth deposit which lies above the natural). This pit cuts 159 and is cut by 1546
- Ruth Rolfe
- 7-7-2008
- Fill 550/85 of 1548
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Loose
- Dark brown
- Silty clay with redeposited brickearth, getting sandier towards natural. 2% sub-rounded, poorly sorted stones
- Occa. oyster shell flecks. Freq. pot frags. Rare Fe. Moderate charcoal flecks
- c. 1m in diameter x c. 0.4m deep
- Pit not bottomed or fully excavated.
- Mattock and trowel - fine
Issued to
Ruth RolfeIssued on
5-8-2008 -
Compiled by
- Ruth Rolfe
Compiled on
7-7-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse