- Fill of small pit or large posthole.
- Ruth Rolfe
- 8-8-2008
- Fill of small pit 555/100
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Loose
- Dark brown
- sandy silt with porly sorted sub-rounded and sub angular stones aobut 2% gradually getting sandier and more gravelly towards bottom. At base about 70% well-sorted sub rounded stones. Also at base colour changed to a more greeny-brown.
- Occa animal bone and Fe, CBM, mod small/med frags of pot
- D: 0.7m, Diameter between 0.94-1m
- 1562 cut through by 1373
- Shovel, Trowel and handshovel/Overcast
Issued to
Ruth RolfeIssued on
8-8-2008 -
Compiled by
- Ruth Rolfe
Compiled on
8-8-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse