- Backfill of Roman shallow cut feature [1565]. Bottom 50mm to .10m of this context comprised disturbed sandy gravel with frequent silty sand patches and charcoal inclusions suggesting that the base had been subjected to a lot of trampling; this might reflect, amongst other things, quarrying.
- Ashley Pooley
- 8-8-2008
- Fill of [1565]
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Soft
- Dark greyish brown with moderate mid yellowish brown, black and mid brownish green patches
- Sandy silt (20:80)
- Occa pot,bone, Fe, CBM, oyster shell, Moderate charcoal, Frequent coarse grit and rounded to sub-angular flint pebbles up to 0.10m
- 2.85m EW, 0.90m NS, 0.45m thick
- Sealed by Roman layer (1551) and truncated by 19th c. wall [1410] to N. Sharp boundary with natural gravels belwo, into which cut [1565] was dug
Issued to
Ashley PooleyIssued on
8-8-2008 -
Compiled by
- Ashley Pooley
Compiled on
8-8-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse