- Grave cut. This cut was nearly truncated along the E-W side on the N by a modern wall (1410), this means that we do not know whether we have the true edge on this side or not. On the Southern E-W axis the cut is very straight and vertical - perhaps for a coffin. Cleaning back from this side did not reveal any other cuts (i.e. one to take a coffin) The skeleton it contained had its head lower than its feet.
- Ruth Rolfe
- 14-8-2008
- Grave cut
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Sub Rectangular
- Rounded
- West end - .13m highter than east end. E-W 2.36m, N-S 0.7m max
- Sharp
- Vertical, but concave at west end
- Sharp
- Flat- sloping from E-W
- E-W
- N/A
- Fill no (1603), sample no 142, Skeleton no (1601)
Issued to
Ruth RolfeIssued on
13-8-2008 -
Compiled by
- Ruth Rolfe
Compiled on
14-8-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse