- Fill of Roman pit [1662] very stoney. There is a truncated cremation in it and a Roman coin found (Find 178). The fill is truncated NW by the machine. The fill has been sampled (148). It is unclear whether this fill (1661) is earlier or later than (1660), but it seems that under (1660) there is some stoney soil with a similar colour to that of 1661.
- Adrian Carreton
- 19-8-2008
- Fill of [1662]
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Firm
- Dark grey, dark brown
- Coarse sand
- Small stones (<15%), Roman pottery, CBM, Animal Bones and Nails, Charcoal
- N-S 1.9m, E-W 1.3m
- Very stoney fill with gravel and charcoal flecks (<5%). Small find (Roman coin 178)
- Mattock, shovel and trowel. Dry/Cloudy
Issued to
Adrian CarretonIssued on
18-8-2008 -
Compiled by
- Adrian Carreton
Compiled on
19-8-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse