- Lower fill of pit [1932]. Runs under (1930) - visible on southern edge of pit in photo taken fof bones found in (1930).
- Greg Crees
- 19-9-2008
- Lower fill of [1931]
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Mid brownish greyish brown
- Firm
- silty clay, low occurance (<10%) of sub angular flint pebbles, mostly c. 10-40mm
- Occasional pot sherd, shards of glass, oyster shell and charcoal flecks
- Lower half of pit c. 0.4m thick
- Gets more clayey near base
- Machine and M S. Clear and dry
Issued to
Greg CreesIssued on
19-9-2008 -
Compiled by
- Greg Crees
Compiled on
19-9-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse