- Mixey spread of redeposited material incl. natural gravel and burnt re-deposited soils (soils possibly relating to cemetary activity activity in immediate area?). Represents a layer surrounded by other v. similar (but not exactly the same) burnt layers in immediate area like (2096) below and (1984), above.
- Greg Crees
- 30-9-2008
- layer in 550/85 and 555/85
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Firm
- Mixey and orangey-brown and dark blackish brown
- Sandy-silty-clay, low occurance of sub-angular and sub-rounded flint pebbles, c. 5-70mm, poorly sorted
- Charcoal lumps and flecks, some pot-sherd and CBM
- 3.90m (E-W) x c. 2.05m (N-S) x c. 0.7m deep
- Nb. originally extended northwards into zone II.
Issued to
Greg CreesIssued on
30-9-2008 -
Compiled by
Compiled on
Checked by
Sub Group: PCO06_525
- Redeposited brickearth
Site Photos
Site Photo: PCO06_11M33
Sample: PCO06_257
- 40L Mixey dark layer