- Layer of mixed up material representing dumped re-deposited material : a mix of natural gravels and pre-existing / nearby features or deposits
- Chaz Morse
- 16-9-2010
- layer in 550/80 and 555/80
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- firm
- poorly sorted mid orange & greenish brownish - grey
- silty sandy - clay, low occurance of poorly sorted flint pebbles c.5-80mm sub-angular
- pot sherd, charcoal flecks and something illegible
- c.3.50m (e-w) x c.1.90m (n-s) x c.0.40m (max thickness)
- diffuse edges in places
- excavated with machine. clear and dry
Issued to
Greg CreesIssued on
2-10-2008 -
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