- Pit fill deposit with occ (poss Roman???) ceramics and lots of organic material
- Brenna Hassett
- 1-3-2006
- Fill of 224 - light grey-brown
Basic Interp.
- soft - moderate
- light greyish brown
- clayey silt
- mod organic material (reduced to bonestains), occ pot (v. fragm), occ CBM, mod sub-angular rocks, mod occ sub-rounded rocks, occ charcoal
- Sloping sharpely to south and not so sharpely to west before disappearing at LoE
- Truncated by cut 214. Same as 216
- Snowing yet sunny.... mattocked;trowelled
Issued to
Brenna HassettIssued on
27-2-2006 -
Compiled by
- Brenna Hassett
Compiled on
1-3-2006 -
Checked by