- [589] is the cut of a possible soakaway. Although its fill (590) contained no sign of organic waste the base of [589] (which was not fully excavated) gave out putride smells, suggesting organic remains at a lower level, when it was probed. [589] poss. contained masonry which was removed before it was backfilled with (590). The removal of masonry would also help explain the undercut caused by gravel slippage. [589] is located in an area of high post medieval activity (it is cut by post-med. soakaway 584) and its backfill (590) contains post-med. finds.
- Sara Clancy
- 15-4-2008
- Cut of pit
Basic Interp.
- Cirular
- N/A
- Diameter of cut: 216 cm-234 cm Diameter of under cut: 244 cm - 252 cm Depth: 120 cm
- Sharp
- Straight - convex where slippage
- n/a
- Feature was not fully excavated - base not found
- N/A
- N/A
- [589] is truncated by 584. [589] truncates clayish features that are possibly Roman.
- In the cut there is gravel slippage underneath the clayish features that [589] truncates - poss. masonry removed from [589] would have exasperated this slippage. [589] contains one fill (590). Drawing #589
Issued to
Sara ClancyIssued on
8-4-2008 -
Compiled by
- Sara Clancy
Compiled on
15-4-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse