- Deepest exposed fill of post Med quarry pit exposed in hand-excavated soundage. Material of which it is composed suggests that it is derived from collapse of sides of quarry which might be why everything is a bit irregular at this point; the inclination of its surface might suggest something similar as well.
- Ashley Pooley
- 17-4-2008
- Light grey silty fill below 631
Basic Interp.
- Friable and loose
- light brownish
- medium sandy gravel (30:70)
- occ. bone, Fe, pot, CBM
- Not fully exposed in plan or section so full measurement asc unavailable.
- Surface of context slopes down NW to SE
Issued to
Ashley PooleyIssued on
17-4-2008 -
Compiled by
- Ashley Pooley
Compiled on
17-4-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse