- {736} is a layer of bricks lain over the base fill (737) of soakaway 666. {736} was lain within 666 to act as feature to aid the drainage of water from the soakaway without the hindrance of silt. (670) above {736} had a putrid smell while (737) below 736 had none which enhances this theory as the putrid smell of (670) suggests that it held more organic/rotten remains which (737) missed out on. {736} was deliberately lain respective of the structure of 666 but obviously not as an original part of the structure.
- Sara Clancy
- 29-4-2008
- Brick base within fills of masonary 666
Basic Interp.
- Brick - slightly frogged
- 100 mm x 70 mm x 220 mm
- Regular squared bricks
- Irregular
- Circular base of brick lined pit
- n/a circular form
- n/a and no coursing
- Diameter 72-84 cm depth 7/10 cm
- The bricks were not coursed but lain irregularly near the bottom of 666 over fill (737) to create a drainage feature.
Issued to
Sara ClancyIssued on
29-4-2008 -
Compiled by
- Sara Clancy
Compiled on
29-4-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse