- It is very possible that [753] is the same as fill [743] but it has been truncated and dividied by a modern drain. [743] is the till of a pit, very truncated by later activity. The two fills are very similar in composition, colour and compaction
- Elisabet Schager
- 6-5-2008
- Fill of possible pit 754 (or same as 743)
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Medium compact
- Light brown
- Sandy clay
- Occasional inclusions of charcoal
- Width: 0.50m
- [753] has been truncated by modern drains, one pot sherd was found, possibly Roman; sketch/levels overleaf
- excavated in mostly wet conditions by mattock and shovel
Issued to
Elisabet SchagerIssued on
30-4-2008 -
Compiled by
- Elisabet Schager
Compiled on
6-5-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse