- (802) it contained finds of a Roman date (pot/tile) [801] is teh fill of shallow Roman
- Sara Clancy
- 8-5-2008
- Fill of linear cut 801
Basic Interp.
- quite compact
- mid-grey
- sandy slit
- occ Roman pottery, occ Roman tile, occ bone
- length:166cm, Width: 101cm, Depth: 9-14cm
- (802) was quite gravely to the base of the fill where it had mixed with "dity gravels" (811) (as opposited to natural gravel) but this was only for a depth of 1 or 2 cm and didn't represent another fill
- Mattocked and trowelled in very dry weather. Note: dry and bright conditions will probably not help photo
Issued to
Sara ClancyIssued on
8-5-2008 -
Compiled by
- Sara Clancy
Compiled on
8-5-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse