- Fill of post-Med cesspit [843]. Composition and colour of fill suggests that cess formed a major component of original fill perhaps with lenses of sandy grave being dumped to cover and bury each episode of deposition and guard against subsidence.
- Ashley Pooley
- 13-5-2008
- Fill of 843
Basic Interp.
- Soft and very weakly cemented
- Dark greenish grey
- lenses of coarse silty grave (40:60) 30%, clayey silt (20:80 70%
- Frequent lenses of roofing tile and mortar, occa. pot, charcoal, and bone, occa Fe objects, occa. ditch brick
- 1.75m NS, 1.45m EW, 0.40m thick
- Context is partially covered by layer (814) to S.
Issued to
Ashley PooleyIssued on
13-5-2008 -
Compiled by
- Ashley Pooley
Compiled on
13-5-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse