- upper fill of pit, some disturbance by roots. This context represents the top layer of large pit [857]. Despite its greenish quality around south of grid peg 520/95 this lessnes the further south you go and by grid peg 520/90 it is actually more orangey than greeny. Since its a fill covering a large area, you may epect this, but some speculation was made ifthe greeny material more noticeable towards 520/90 would actually be the upper fill of pit [886] which cuts into [857]. This wasn't clear in plan when excavated. Originally thought to be a Roman layer due to Roman pot sherd and large area convered by fill.
- Greg Crees
- 16-5-2008
- Fill of pit 857
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Firm
- Mid-dark yellow brown
- silty sands and gravels
- mod pot mod fragmented cbm mod metal
- c.11m (e-w) x 7m (n-s)
- mattock and machine
Issued to
Greg CreesIssued on
14-5-2008 -
Compiled by
- Greg Crees
Compiled on
16-5-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse
Sub Group: PCO06_212
- Capping layer in pit [857]
Sample: PCO06_279
- Fill of pit
Registered Find: PCO06_55
- Iron
- Object
- Fragment
Registered Find: PCO06_90
- Roman
- Copper
- Coin
- Half
Registered Find: PCO06_106
- Copper
- Object
- Fragment
Registered Find: PCO06_207
- Roman
- Glass
- Vessel
- Fragment
Registered Find: PCO06_259
- Roman
- Ceramic
- Samian
- Fragment
Registered Find: PCO06_560
- Iron
- Object
- Fragment
Registered Find: PCO06_624
- Roman
- Ceramic
- Lamp
- Fragment