- Fill of Pit. This number represents mixey/poorly-sorted material underlying the darker material of (856) above-though actually it represents what is probably two or three layers of mixey material
- Elisabet Schager
- 14-5-2008
- Fill of 857
Basic Interp.
- Firm
- Orange/brown
- Sandy clay
- mod.gravel-frequent gravel, occasional charcoal, mod. pot sherds, v.occasionally CBM
- 0.94m deep approx
- n/a
- ex. partially by hand with M + S. Majority ex. with machine. Changeable weather: dry but sunny and overcast
Issued to
Elisabet SchagerIssued on
14-3-2008 -
Compiled by
- Elisabet Schager
Compiled on
14-5-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse