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  • PCO06
  • 912
  • Masonry
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    • 912 is the masonary of the soakaway. It is in is in an area of similar post-medieval acrivity. Soakaway [937] is jusst 1m east of 912. 912 is very similar in shape, size of depth to soakaway 666 in area 1. The materials found in the fills of 912 indicate a post-medieval date
      • Sara Clancy
    • 21-5-2008


  • Red brick soakaway

Stratigraphic Matrix


  • Red brick, broken, unfrogged
  • From 100 x 60 x 160 to 100x 60 x 100 mm
  • Regular courses but broken in half
  • Header but bricks had been broken in half with unbroken ends facing inwards. No bonding
  • Circular pit / soakaway
  • n/a
  • No bonding. Silty clay between bricks (brick 25cm
  • Top diameter 88 - 94 cm, Bottom diameter 44-50cm. Depth 150-181cm
  • Tapers quite sharply which is because at about 80-100cm down it is cut into fine natural sand- the collapsing of the sand probaly led to the masonary at te base being of smaller diamneter than at the top. Sketch levels overleaf, Photo Roll M7, No. 17, 18, 19


  • Issued to
    Sara Clancy
    Issued on
  • Compiled by
    • Sara Clancy
    Compiled on
  • Checked by
    • Chaz Morse
  • on/off_switch


  • Sub Group: PCO06_265
    • Soak-away and associated fills


Site Photos

  • Site Photo: PCO06_7M7
    • file_imagemultiple
    • Soak-away