Basic Information
- Gravel layers lain down over Post Medieval quarry pit fills
Sub Groups
Sub Group: PCO06_197
- Gravel layer
Group Description
- Post Medieval cut [749] was dug into compacted gravels (809) and (810), a possible make-up leveling deposit or yard surface, suggested due to their compaction. Contexts (809) and (810) were separated by truncation, but are seen as the same deposit. Underlying (809) and (810) was (881), the mixed fill of quarry pit [882].
- Chaz Morse
- 18-1-2012
- Post Medieval cut [749] was dug into compacted gravels(809) and (810), a possible make-up leveling deposit or yard surface. Contexts (809) and (810) were separated by truncation, but are seen as the same deposit. Underlying (809) and (810) was (881), the mixed fill of quarry pit [882].
- Chaz Morse
- 18-1-2012
Dating Information
- These gravels did not produce any datable pottery, but given their stratigraphic position they are seen as Post Medieval.
- Chaz Morse
- 18-1-2012