Basic Information
- Capping layers and backfill
Group Description
- Layer (1188) and cut [1406]=[1483] stratigraphically overlay (1454), a layer of mixed soil laid down over (1474), a redeposited cremation that formed the latest fill of [1469], that was dumped over earlier fill (1468), that overlay earlier fill (1497). These later fills are seen as capping deposits for pit [1469], that also contained primary fill (1498), a slumped gravel deposit, indicating that the pit was left open for a period of time before it was back filled.
- Chaz Morse
- 27-10-2011
Dating Information
- These leveling deposits are seen as relatively late, as the ceramics recovered were dated to 250-400AD.
- Chaz Morse
- 27-10-2011