Basic Information
- Series of refuse pits and deposits
Sub Groups
Group Description
- A series of intercutting refuse pits dating to the Early Post Medieval period were dug into the western area of the site, and it was determined that the sequence of their use involved the pits being dug, the refuse deposited, and the pit subsequently backfilled. Within the deposits there was an abundance of animal bones found, while in others large amounts of CBM and animal bone confirmed that these were refuse pits. The capping layers of these pits were noted to be of contemporary date to the refuse fills.
- Chaz Morse
- 13-10-2011
Dating Information
- The majority of the pottery recovered from the fills of these refuse pits was dated to 1480-1600AD. A small amount of sherds were dated to 1180-1350AD and 1400-1500AD, and these were seen as residual.
- Chaz Morse
- 13-10-2011