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Record View

Basic Information

  • Linear

Sub Groups

  • Sub Group: PCO06_659
    • Cut and fill of linear

Group Description

    • Pit cut [1887] was dug into (1941) the fill of ditch cut [1940], that was dug into (1948) the fill of pit cut [1949] that was dug into the natural gravels and was one of the earliest features in this area of the site. Context (1941) was seen as slumpage within the ditch cut.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 31-10-2011

Dating Information

    • No datable material was recovered from the fill of these features, but given its stratigraphic position it is seen as Roman. Stratigraphically it is seen as Roman III.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 31-10-2011