Basic Information
- Sequence of pits
Sub Groups
Sub Group: PCO06_96
- Secondary fill of quarry pit [710].
Sub Group: PCO06_97
- Cut and Primary fill of quarry pit
Sub Group: PCO06_98
- Fill of quarry pit 725.
Sub Group: PCO06_99
- Cut of quarry pit
Sub Group: PCO06_100
- Cut and fill of pit
Sub Group: PCO06_107
- Cut and primary fill of pit
Sub Group: PCO06_108
- Secondary fill of [649].
Group Description
- In the north west of the site area lay a sequence of relatively small gravel extraction pits, consisting of Subgroups 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 107, and 108. They were quite tightly dated and so were seen as contemporary, with the majority of the fills being formed of slumped deposits resulting from the pits having been left open after excavation.
- Chaz Morse
- 13-10-2011
Dating Information
- Within these pits there was a noted amount of residual pottery. Some of these sherds were dated to the early Roman period. A coin, accurately dated to 46-50 AD was also recovered from context (709), the primary fill of cut [710]. It was a copper coin dated to the rein of Constans (small find no. 105), and is clearly a residual find. The majority of sherds were dated to 1480-1600AD, and so given the dating and stratigraphic position the feature is Post Medieval.
- Chaz Morse
- 13-10-2011