Basic Information
- Early Roman burials
Sub Groups
Group Description
- Cut [2085] was dug into (2065) (sampled as <250>) the fill of grave cut [2064], that was dug for skeleton 2063. The right hand side of which had been subject to heavy truncation. Grave cut [2064] was dug into the natural gravels of the site area, and was one of the earliest features in this area of the site. Adjacent to this, cut [2024] was cut into (2105), the fill of grave cut [2104], which was dug for burial (2106). Fill (2105) was sampled as <260>, (2106) was not fully articulated and had could have been subject to disturbance or redeposited. Could have been an improvised charnal pit rather than grave. Cut [2104] was dug into (1985), the upper fill of [2111].
- Chaz Morse
- 1-11-2011
Dating Information
- No datable finds were recovered from these features, but given their stratigraphic positions and function they are seen as early Roman.
- Chaz Morse
- 1-11-2011