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Basic Information

  • Post Medieval agricultural soils

Sub Groups

  • Sub Group: PCO06_314
    • Agricultural soils
  • Sub Group: PCO06_316
    • Agricultural Layer

Group Description

    • Cut by Post Medieval construction trenches lay a series of soils. The latest in these layers was (1108) and (1109), and these overlay (1126), (1127), and (201), further layers of agricultural soils, also Post Medieval, but seen as deposited in an earlier event, due to a difference in composition. These overlay Roman layers (222) and (1142) and (1152).
      • Chaz Morse
    • 2-11-2011

Dating Information

    • No datable finds were recovered from these deposits, but given their stratigraphic positions and form, they are seen as the Post Medieval.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 2-11-2011
    • No datable finds were recovered from these deposits, but given their stratigraphic positions and form, they are seen as the Post Medieval.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 2-11-2011
    • No datable finds were recovered from these deposits, but given their stratigraphic positions and form, they are seen as the Post Medieval.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 2-11-2011