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Basic Information

  • Soakaway

Sub Groups

  • Sub Group: PCO06_622
    • Masonry, cut and fills of soakaway

Group Description

    • Underlying the modern overburden and truncated by intrusion [1716] (sub-group 623), capping layer (1681) formed the latest, and probable post abandonment, back fill of soakaway {1690}. The soakaway also held fill (1682), silty clay deposit. Soakaway {1690} that was built into construction cut [1691], which was dug into (1877), the fill of large Roman pit [1878].
      • Chaz Morse
    • 2-11-2011

Dating Information

    • The latest fill of this soakaway produced two pot sherds which were both dated to 1580-1650AD, and the stratigraphic position and form and function of this feature demonstrate it to be Post Medieval.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 2-11-2011