Basic Information
- Small pit
Sub Groups
Sub Group: PCO06_116
- Cut and two fills of small pit.
Group Description
- Pit cut [696] was dug into (817), a small gravel deposit that was the secondary fill of small cut [865], which also held primary fill (864), a fine silty brick earth material that could have been an inwash deposit. Cut [865] was stratigraphically one of the earliest features in this area of the site, and cut into the natural gravels of the site area.
- Chaz Morse
- 19-10-2011
- Pit cut [696] was dug into (817), a small gravel deposit that was the secondary fill of small cut [865], which also held primary fill (864), a fine silty brick earth material that could have been an inwash deposit. Cut [865] was stratigraphically one of the earliest features in this area of the site, and cut into the natural gravels of the site area.
- Chaz Morse
- 19-10-2011
Dating Information
- Neither fill of this small cut feature produced any datable material. However given its stratigraphic position it is seen as Roman.
- Chaz Morse
- 19-10-2011