Basic Information
- Roman burials
Sub Groups
Group Description
- The fill of the grave was (740), a soft orange brown mix of sandy clay. The interred skeleton was 741, and it was lain in cut [742]. The fill held a number of inclusions as nails indicating a coffin had eroded away, and four samples were taken from the fill, being samples <1> , <2>, <3> and <4>. Burial 741 was heavily affected by the aerobic environment of the gravels into which it was interred, and only the humeri and the femurs, and both radius a and ulna survived. The cut [742] was dug into the natural gravels of the site area. Context (788) sealed grave [867], which was filled by (869) and contained burial 868. The burial was heavily truncated and poorly preserved with only fragments of the tibia and fibia remaining. These burials formed Group 41.
- Chaz Morse
- 19-10-2011
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- Chaz Morse
- 19-10-2011
Dating Information
- In total 11 pot sherds were recovered from the fill of grave [742], and were all dated to 120-160 AD. Only one pot sherd was recovered from [867], which was dated to 180-250AD. However, the stratigraphic position of these features indicated that they are later. The finds within the fills are therefore seen as residual, with the fills probably being deposits from within the site area.
- Chaz Morse
- 19-10-2011