Basic Information
- Secondary fills of pit cut
Sub Groups
Sub Group: PCO06_202
- Fills of pit [884].
Group Description
- Roman grave [867], Group 41, was dug into (883), the upper fill of pit cut [884], which also contained primary fill (888), which was sampled as <19>. These fills were seen as deliberate backfills to function as a capping layer lain down in a period of land reclamation in order to use the area for burials. Pit cut [884] was one of earliest stratigraphic feature in this area of the site.
- Chaz Morse
- 19-10-2011
- Roman grave [867], Group 41, was dug into (883), the upper fill of pit cut [884], which also contained primary fill (888), which was sampled as <19>. These fills were seen as deliberate backfills to function as a capping layer lain down in a period of land reclamation in order to use the area for burials. Pit cut [884] was one of earliest stratigraphic feature in this area of the site.
- Chaz Morse
- 19-10-2011
Dating Information
- A total of six pot sherds were recovered from the fills of this feature, all of which were dated to 200-400AD.
- Chaz Morse
- 19-10-2011