Subgroup Narrative Text
- Underlying gravel spread (616) was (785), the latest fill in pit cut [530], that functioned as a capping layer over earlier secondary fills (529), an organic rich deposit, the smell of which may have necessitated a capping layer. of Roman quarry pit [530]. Underlying (529) was (803), a seemingly organic rich deposit, that was sampled as <6>, to try and assess the composition and function of the feature. Underlying (803), was (804), a relatively barren gravel fill that was seen as a slumped layer from the side of the pit cut.
- Chaz Morse
- 17-1-2011
Dating Narrative
- Two sherds were recovered from fill (529). Both were dated to 1550-1600. However, this quarry pit was heavily truncatred by a number of Post Medieval features, and given that the latest and primary fills of this pit have beend dated to the early Roman period, it is apparent that the pot from (529) is intrusive. No datable material was recovered from the fill (803). However given that the latest fill of the pit, (785), was dated to to 50-300 AD, and the pit cuts stratigraphic position, it is clearly early Roman.
- Chaz Morse
- 17-1-2011