Subgroup Narrative Text
- Gravel layer (616) sealed (785), the latest fill of cut [530]. Underlying (785) were (529), which overlay (803); these were both organic rich fills. Underlying (803) was (804), a relatively barren gravel fill that was seen as a slumped layer from the side of the pit cut. Fill (804) was the primary fill of the pit cut and given that it is belived to have been the slumped sided of the cut, it has been sub-grouped with the cut. The pit had been heavily truncated, but given what remains of its size, and what we can infer from it, it would seem to have been a quarry pit.
- Chaz Morse
- 17-1-2011
Dating Narrative
- A total of three pot sherds were recovered from primary fill (804), all of which were dated to 120-250 AD. No other dating material was recovered from the primary fill.
- Chaz Morse
- 17-1-2011