Context: PCO06_1069
- Truncated grave cut
Context: PCO06_1070
- Fill of [1069]
Context: PCO06_1071
- Fragmentary long bones in [1069]
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Post medieval construction cut [2182] was dug into (1070), fill of Roman grave [1069]. The grave contained inhumation 1071, which had been subject to such poor preservation that by the time of excavation only fragments of the long bones remained. Cut [1069] was the earliest stratigraphic feature in this area of the site.
- Chaz Morse
- 7-12-2010
Dating Narrative
- No dating material was recovered from this feature, but given its position in the stratigraphic sequence and the nature of feature, it is clearly Roman.
- Chaz Morse
- 7-12-2010