Subgroup Narrative Text
- Underlying (852) was(856), a darker fill, and underlying (856) was (866)This number represents mixed/poorly-sorted material underlying the darker material of (856) above-though actually it represents what is probably two or three layers of mixed material. Underlying (866) was (889), notably much less stony than (886) above, and much more homogeneous in character. These deposits are seen as a series of related dumps, lain down to level off the land after the excavation of he quarry face, recorded in subgroup 209.
- Chaz Morse
- 12-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- A total of 22 pot sherds were recovered from (856) all dated to 140-160AD, and seven pot sherds were recovered from (866), all dated to 90-160AD.
- Chaz Morse
- 12-7-2011