Basic Information
- Foundations of buildings fronting on to Prescot Street
- 904 903 902 901 898 905 906
Context: PCO06_898
- Long wall N/S
Context: PCO06_901
- Butting-up against 898
Context: PCO06_902
- Butting up against 898 north of 901
Context: PCO06_903
- Butting up against 898 in between 901 & 902
Context: PCO06_904
- Big floor
Context: PCO06_905
- Southern wall
Context: PCO06_906
- Southern wall
Context: PCO06_2171
- Construction cut for 898
Context: PCO06_2178
- Construction cut for 905
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Underlying the modern overburden, wall {901} was built onto {898}, which was built over {902} and {903}, which were built onto flooring {904}. This collection of walls and buttresses were built into construction cut [2171] and [2182], that was cut into the Post Medieval ditch fill (949).
- Chaz Morse
- 13-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- The unfrogged brick, form and function and stratigraphic position of these masonry features show then to be part of the Stewart/Georgian buildings that fronted on to Prescot Street.
- Chaz Morse
- 13-7-2011