Context: PCO06_985
- Post-med / Truncated feature
Context: PCO06_990
- Fill of 985
Context: PCO06_1008
- Cut of 985
Context: PCO06_1086
- Fill of 985
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Underlying the modern overburden context (1086) formed the burnt fill of a truncated fireplace, containing fragments of brick and frequent animal bone, and lain on stone slabs that formed {985} a Georgan fireplace, that was lain in construction cut [1008]. The bottom of this cut was lined with a clayey base, c. 6cm in depth, context (990). Construction cut [1008], was dug into the latest fills of large Post-Medieval pit [1015]=[1064].
- Chaz Morse
- 14-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- No datable ceramic sherds were recovered from the fill of this features. However, the form, function, stratigraphic position and unfrogged brick used in the construction of this feature demonstrate it to be part of the Late Post Medieval development that fronted onto Prescot Street.
- Chaz Morse
- 14-7-2011