Context: PCO06_1088
- N - S wall
Context: PCO06_1089
- Concrete floor
Context: PCO06_1267
- Brick wall N-S direction sitting on concrete (modern)
Context: PCO06_1268
- Brick wall aligned N-S (to west of (1267))
Context: PCO06_2181
- construction cut for 1268 & 1089
Context: PCO06_2183
- construction cut for 1088
Context: PCO06_2184
- construction cut for 1267
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Underlying the modern overburden, wall {1268} was built over {1088}, a 19th century basement wall that ran on a north to south axis. These walls overlay basement slab {1089}, and both were built into construction cut [2181]. Wall {1089} was also built over {1267}, a brick wall that formed an exterior wall, and only the lowest part was left. Wall {1267} was built into construction cut [2183] and [2184], which were cut into the Post Medieval agricultural soils (1288).
- Chaz Morse
- 14-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- The stratigraphic position, form and materials of these masonry elements show them to be Late Post Medieval.
- Chaz Morse
- 14-7-2011