Context: PCO06_1513
- Metalled surface, possibly part of (1457) 545/90+95
Context: PCO06_1639
- Layer in 545/90 and 545/95
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Cut [1630] was dug into (1513), a metalled surface, possibly related to (1457), but separated by truncation. Context (1513) overlay (1639), a deposit of brickearth that was seen as a make up layer for metaled surface (1513). Deposit (1639) overlay (1652), a layer of redeposited natural that overlay (1651), the fill of pit cut [1650], that was cut into the natural gravels of the site area.
- Chaz Morse
- 18-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- No datable finds were recovered from these layers, but given their stratigraphic position they are seen as Roman.
- Chaz Morse
- 18-7-2011